Saturday, August 11, 2007

Vacation Pics Pt 3

Finally a few of scenic shots while hiking and some close up camera work on the plant life of the region. In the absence of grass or weeds, the interesting stuff low to the ground that generally gets overlooked stands out.

On top of a small peak. Our car is somewhere down on that road.

Another vista, with my friend standing in the way.

Pollution from Los Angeles usually ruined the view of the High Sierras on the other side of Owens Valley. But one day was a little clearer than the rest. Yes, those faint white patches are snow.

Close up shots. I should be able to identify most of these, but I'm a botanical dummy :(

The cones on a bristlecone. They take three years to mature.

The foxtail-like branch of a bristlecone. They shed only 2-3% of their needles each year, a normal pine sheds about 1/3.

The End. I already need another vacation.

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