Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Random 1

Like a blue-green 1.5cm wedge of rabbit entrail stuck 1cm up the inside wall of the slightly balding left rear radial tire of a 2005 silver Mazda 280ZX valued at 1.444% below Blue Book, she was particular.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Economists, Eh

There's something about Economics and economists that tends to rub me the wrong way. It's not every economist mind you. The work most do is useful and some of it is even insightful, but it is often a very narrow insight with respect to society as a whole and most I've dealt with don't see that. They have an ethical blindspot that you could jackknife a truck through. For every Paul Krugman there are a hundred Larry Summers.

My crude and insulting stereotype goes like so:
If things keep going the way they're going, only the wealthy will be able to afford clean air to breath and clean water to drink. When that day comes, economists will classify those of us who want to return to the days when those things were free and plentiful as unserious utopian dreamers, or worse, ranting haters envious of the success of the air and water merchants. Then they will get back to the serious business of maximizing air and water stock values

Rulz of Internet Debate

Rule 1: The 'We are the World' Rule
Personal anecdote is a perfectly fine and effective counter to depth of knowledge on any topic. The anecdote needn't be true since such things are almost impossible to verify.

Rule 2: The "Help, help, I'm being oppressed!" Rule
If what you wrote on a specific topic in a specific context is being effectively torn apart, extrapolate to any and all topics and contexts and claim you are being silenced for personal reasons. Assume your debater is a branch of the government and claim your 1st Amendment rights are being violated.

Rule 3: Law of Conservation
On any topic, only two lines of argument are needed. They need not be consistent with each other. When the first is shot down, switch to the second. When the second is shot down, go back to the first. Rinse, repeat, ad nauseum.

Rule 4: A therefor B, aka "My New Logic Style is Unstoppable"
Assert that your argument is rational and/or logical. If this is shown not to be the case by traditional measures, assert it again. If others are still not convinced use a non sequitur example that is logical and claim equivalence.

Rule 5: Bad Words are Very Very Bad
When you're reasonably advocating death camps for some minority you reasonably do not like, for Heaven's sake don't stoop to the level of using a word like "fuck"

Not Texas